Monday, 4 February 2008


Boot phase 1

During this phase, the following steps are taken:_ The init process started from RAMFS executes the boot script rc.boot 1.

If the init process fails for some reason, code c06 is shown on the LED display.

_ At this stage, the restbase command is called to copy a partial image of ODMfrom the BLV into the RAMFS. If this operation is successful, the LED displayshows 510;

otherwise, LED code 548 is shown._ After this,

the cfgmgr -f command reads the Config_Rules class from the reduced ODM. In this class, devices with the attribute phase=1 areconsidered base devices. Base devices are all devices that are necessary to access rootvg.

For example, if the rootvg is located on a hard disk, all devicesstarting from the motherboard up to the disk will have to be initialized. Thecorresponding methods are called so that rootvg can be activated in bootphase 2.

_ At the end of boot phase 1, the bootinfo -b command is called to determine the last boot device. At this stage, the LED shows 511.

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