Tuesday 5 February, 2008

THE /etc/inittab FILE

Order of the /etc/inittab entriesThe base process entries in the /etc/inittab file is ordered as follows:

1. initdefault

2. sysinit

3. Powerfailure Detection (powerfail)

4. Multiuser check (rc)

5. /etc/firstboot (fbcheck)

6. System Resource Controller (srcmstr)

7. Start TCP/IP daemons (rctcpip)

8. Start NFS daemons (rcnfs)

9. cron

10.pb cleanup (piobe)

11.getty for the console (cons)

The System Resource Controller (SRC) has to be started near the beginning ofthe etc/inittab file since the SRC daemon is needed to start other processes.

Since NFS requires TCP/IP daemons to run correctly, TCP/IP daemons arestarted ahead of the NFS daemons. The entries in the /etc/inittab file are ordered
according to dependencies, meaning that if a process (process2) requires thatanother process (process1) be present for it to operate normally, then an entryfor process1 comes before an entry for process2 in the /etc/inittab file.

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